English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
Princeton Country Dancers

PCD Historical information
For those who are interested, we have recorded some fond memories of PCD's past.
a memory shared by Robert LaRue
a memory shared by Pat Palmer
a memory shared by Debbie Goodkin
contact us to share your favorite memory with the community!
For those who are interested, we publish a ten-year history of our community every decade-anniversary
40th anniversary narrative, compiled by Eliane Geren and Debbi Kanter
40th anniversary list of tunes composed by PCD musicians, compiled by Barbara Vadnais
30th anniversary narrative
30th anniversary slideshow from Stas' Flickr account
20th anniversary narrative
10th anniversary narrative
40th Anniversary Video
Please enjoy a video of the highlighted moments and faces of friends old and new who enjoyed our 40th Anniversary celebration.
contra dancing
40th Anniversary Slideshow Photos
Below is the slideshow (in 3 parts) that was presented at the 40th Anniversary events. Please scroll through the photos and enjoy the memories!