English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
Princeton Country Dancers

Millstone River Morris Dance Team
Millstone River Morris is New Jersey's finest Morris team and New Jersey's only Morris side. We dance Cotswold Morris, an English folk dance tradition originally from villages in the Cotswold hills of England. We are a mixed (gender) team from picturesque Princeton, New Jersey. Our repertoire comes from the tradition of "Princeton-under-Construction,” which is our interpretation of the Bampton-in-the-Bush tradition, as observed in the 1970s and passed down with much modification through a series of foremen.
We consider 2017 to be our 35th birthday as a team, but our exact origins are currently lost in the mists of time.
(Local) annual events include: dancing on May Day around the Mercer Oak in the Princeton Battlefield Park, and around Princeton thereafter; dancing at the Princeton Country Dancers Winter Cotillion; dancing at the Ship Inn, Milford NJ to welcome the New Year on January 1. We have toured England and danced in a variety of venues from Norfolk, VA to Boston, MA.
We practice on Thursday evenings, 8-9:30 and sometimes adjourn to Conte's bar afterwards for beer, (sometimes) birthday cakes, and (occasionally) garlic pizza. From October-May, we practice indoors at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton, 50 Cherry Hill Road, Princeton 08540 – in June-September we practice outdoors at Fine Plaza, Princeton University.
We welcome new dancers and opportunities for performance. If you're interested, contact Louise Senior, Amy Livingston or Dunbar Birnie (see below). Or (especially for bookings) you can write to our squire:
Louise Senior, Squire MRM
60 Laurel Road
Princeton NJ 08540
Cell: 609 240 6543
Foreman: Amy Livingston
Deputy Squirrel (don’t ask): Dunbar Birnie