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Head for the Hills 2024 is now a fond memory for all who were there...


SAVE THE DATES for Head for the Hills November 7th - 9th, 2025

pdates will be posted as they become available.



Hope you can join us this year, Nov 7-9

​   A getaway weekend of dance, music and song at Camp Harlam near

     Kresgeville, PA in the Poconos, with many of your favorite musicians, callers,

        and workshop leaders. Sponsored by Princeton Country Dancers.


   Contra, English Country, and Couple dancing every day

      Workshops in dance, singing, instrumental music and more

         An oh-so-elegant cocktail party with live swing dance music
             A fabulous ceilidh (sidesplitting skits, serious songs, dance performances...)
               Tune swap/jamming. Late night fun.


   Calling for the weekend will use gender-free role terminology.


2024 Performers and workshop leaders included

​            ... A Joyful Noise...Brooklyn Swing Ensemble...Raise the Roof...

Daniel Beerbohm, Marco Brehm, Josh Burdick, Alex Burka, Danny Elias, Steve Epstein, Gaye Fifer, Barbara Greenberg, Diane Hartzell, Scott Higgs, Donna Hunt, Carol Johnson, Lenora Kandiner, Michael Karcher, Ben Kennedy, Judy Klotz, Robert LaRue, Sunny Lawrence, Peggy Leiby, Carl Levine, Nathalie Levine, Rick Lightbody, Susie Lorand, Rowan Lupton, Louise McClure, Ted McClure, Imogen Mills, Robert Mills, Bob Pasquarello, Nicki Perez, Daniel Potter, Norman Plankey, Christie Riehl, Judi Stellar, Kathy Talvitie, Ret Turner, Helen White, Grant Yost, Sam Zygmuntowicz


2025 Fees & Registration 

Registration is on a "first come-first served basis" and will open sometime in late summer.



For those staying at Camp Harlam

Adults: $240

Youth: $170
Students/Limited Income: $190-$240


The fee covers room accommodations at Camp Harlam, meals from dinner on the arrival day to lunch on the departure day, and all of the various dance, music, and song events in the program.


For Commuters (people who arrange their own off campus housing)



The fee covers meals from dinner on the arrival day to lunch on the departure day, and all of the various dance, music, and song events in the program.



For those staying in housing at Camp Harlam

The options include: double-occupancy rooms and rooms for up to 5 with bathrooms, plus dormitory-style rooms with bunk beds and shared bathrooms. All rooms are heated.


For Commuters (people who arrange their own off campus housing)

For those willing to drive a short distance, there are additional accommodations (available through Airbnb, etc.) located within a 20-minute drive of camp. Those who choose this "commuter" option receive a discounted rate for the weekend. See above under “For commuters (people who arrange off campus housing”). 


NOTE: Registrants need to make their own off-campus housing arrangements, but if you would like help coordinating housing with other commuters, please contact Fia at



2024 Schedule and Program Descriptions​​

2024 Schedule


2024 Program Descriptions


​2024 Flyer


​​Learn More...

Look here for Directions to and from Camp Harlam    ​​


Covid Protocols (for all attendees, including Saturday night only dancers)

Required: proof of negative antigen tests on the day of arrival at Head for the Hills    

Recommended: Vaccination including recent boosters, N95/KN95 or equivalent masks.

If these protocols need to be modified due to changing conditions, registered campers will be notified.



In order to keep everyone safe, healthy, and happy (and to have a mask and vaccine optional weekend),

please follow these protocols. For all weekend (and Saturday-night-only) attendees):


  • Take an antigen test before you leave for HFTH

    • If negative, bring a time-stamp photo to HFTH as proof

    • If positive, you will not be able to attend HFTH, but you will receive a refund. Please let Lenora or Tim know you will not be able to come: kandiner at starlinx dot com or 609-498-1733.

  • If you forget to test, there will be a limited supply of tests available for purchase at HFTH (but if you test positive there, you will need to turn around and go home, as will anyone you carpooled with).

  • Please bring extra tests with you in case you feel ill and need to test during the weekend. If you test positive, you will need to go home. You will receive a refund.

  • NOTE: There may be some workshops in smaller spaces that will require masks. Please bring a mask or two to the weekend, so you will have the flexibility of taking these workshops. 

  • Please consider minimizing your contacts before the weekend to reduce the chance of becoming contagious.

  • If you test positive after the weekend, please let Larry know:


Auction Bid Slips (413KB)  Print and complete your auction bid slips at home.

CDSS Article (914KB) An article about HFTH from the CDSS News.


​Still Have Questions?

Contact Larry Koplik at (908) 359-4837 (landline, no text messages please) or click here to contact Larry by email.

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