English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
Princeton Country Dancers
Website Regular Maintenance Schedule:
(April) Update Executive Committee photo with names of members on the “About Us” page.
(April) Update list of volunteers on the “Volunteers” page.
(September) Update Rum & Onions directions on the “Directions” page.
Input new schedule (once it is released) into Google Calendar with names of bands and callers.
Add new schedule in Word and PDF format to 4 places: the top of the home page by the calendar, the section below the calendar titled "Schedule of Events," the Contra page in the "More About Dancing" section, the ECD page in the "More About Dancing" section. (Upload the new to Wix, remove the old one from Wix media files, upload the new one to Google Drive folder as backup.
Update Family Dance schedule text on the “Family Dance” page.
Upload Family Dance flyer (once it is released) on the “Family Dance” page, remove the old one from Wix media files, and upload the new one to Google Drive folder as backup.
Update Special Events schedule on the “Special Events” page, and rearrange events so that the next one chronologically appears first. Upload any relevant flyers as outlined above.
Check to see if Griggstown Lock would like to update their flyer, upload a new one if there is one.
(often) Check PCD’s Gmail inbox in case anyone has sent a message through the “Contact Us” page
Check to make sure relevant dates and photos are added or removed as needed, make sure everything is up to date.
When Changes to the Site Occur:
Check the mobile view to make sure it appears correctly on a phone/tablet. Adjust elements if needed.
If adding photos, include alt text for SEO
If adding/changing a page, make sure the page SEO is up to date